Energy Monday talk series invite you for an interesting discussion on the viability of decarbonize the energy sector by 2050 based on the Nordic Energy Technologies 2016 report (NETP2016).
The goal of decarbonizing the energy sector by 2050 is a key component of the Nordic climate change strategy. Is this goal realistic, and how can this be achieved? Yes, it is realistic, and it will be economically beneficial, if the right balance is found. In this talk, Kenneth Karlsson, one of the key contributors to the recently published report “Nordic Energy Technologies”, will outline the main components of such a strategy involving cooperation in the Nordic and with the rest of Europe.
Are the technical and economic assumptions in this report realistic? Where is current energy policy leading us in comparison to the report scenarios? Karsten Capion, energy expert from the Danish Energy Association, will comment the report findings in light of other studies, and the current political agenda.
We are delighted to announce our first two speakers for this month’s event:
- Kenneth Karlsson – Head of Energy Systems Analysis group at DTU
- Karsten Capion – Energy Senior Adviser, Dansk Energi
Please register via our Facebook event Page link above: https://www.facebook.com/events/1793249250949584/