The Energy Monday series presents “Public & Political Engagement in the Energy Solutions”.
Since the oil crisis of the 1970s, Denmark has decided to take a new path to secure its energy needs and faced the emerging environmental concerns. As a result, green issues have become deeply embedded in the mindsets of the Danes; creating ambitious goals such as “Copenhagen being the world’s first carbon-neutral Capital by 2025” and “Denmark leading the green transition as fossil free nation by 2050”. But,…
- What does “Green City”, “Eco-metropolis”, “Clean and Green world” mean for you?
- Is your vision in economic, environmental and emotional terms the same as your neighbors’?
- How do you combine those different approaches, values and attitudes in one common strategy?
- Is Public & Political Engagement a major factor that influence the transition towards green energy?
Come and listen to the challenges faced by Nordhavn, eco-village Munksøgård and Danish municipalites in terms of creating public & political engagement
To draw on the examples of danish initiatives, we have invited an exciting range of speakers:
*Jens-Phillip Petersen, PhD student in Civil Engineering, DTU Jens will share the experiences of Danish municipalities with strategic energy plans, their difficulties in the interaction with citizens and other challenges that make the energy transition such a tricky endeavor. Hence, we need to discuss, how the necessary interaction between municipalities, energy experts and citizens can be improved?
*Anders Blok, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, KU Anders will discuss wind energy as an urban issue. Since 2009, the municipality of Copenhagen has been aiming to establish up to 100 large-scale wind turbines on or around its territory, as part of the city’s ambition for carbon neutrality by 2025. His presentation recalls the case of the four wind turbines once projected off the tip of the emerging Nordhavn development, in an attempt to answer the question: what infrastructural politics is at work when wind energy becomes an urban issue?
* Kenneth Bernard Karlsson, Head of Energy Systems Analysis Group, DTU Management Engineering Kenneth will share his personal experience as a resident at the eco-village Munksøgård by addressing the topic of choosing the ‘right’ heating system economically, environmentally and emotionally. To download the presentation in pdf: EM-2017-05-08-Kenneth-Munksoegard-heatingsystem
* Hans Chr. Soerensen, Board member Danish Turbine Owners Association, CEO SPOK ApS Hans Chr. will share his insight on how to overcome the “not in my backyard“ attitude through a public awareness campaign during the design and implementation of “Middelgruden Wind Turbine Farm”. To download the presentation in pdf: EM-2017-05-08 HC Soerensen-Danish Wind Power.
Energy Crossroad Denmark’s FREE monthly talk series – Energy Mondays and the event will take place in the Main Hall on the 1st floor at Studenterhuset on the 8th of May from 19:00 – 21:00.
JOIN US and CONFIRM your place via our Eventbrite link found above.